Halal is an Arabic term that means “Allowed” or “Allowed”. Halal food means food that is allowed to be eaten by Muslims. Toyyiban means “Good” in Arabic.
Therefore, the concept of Halal & Toyyiban brought by Malaysia’s halal certification scheme means that all products that have been certified with HALAL have “high quality”.
The involvement of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) in confirming the halal status of Islamic food products and consumer goods in this country began in 1974 when the Research Centre for the Islamic Affairs Division in the Prime Minister’s Office started to issue halal certification letters for products that met the halal criteria at that time.
Starting in 1994, Halal verification was given in the form of a verification certificate with a Halal logo and from September 30, 1998, Halal inspections were carried out by Syarikat Ilham Daya, a company appointed by the government.
The first Halal standards released in 2000 was an important milestone for Malaysia as it became the first country to have a documented and systematic Halal assurance system.
There are more than 100 Halal logos globally. In Malaysia, only 1 Halal logo is used. Malaysia’s Halal logo is an accreditation mark given by JAKIM for a product/ premise/ manufacturer that have fulfilled Halal standards and requirements.
The value of the global Halal market for the food sector alone is expected to be $USD 2.6 Trillion in 2023.
This is because Muslim consumers around the world are increasing every year and they are becoming aware of the importance of Halal. It would be a loss if a food business does not participate in the Trillion $USD market.
According to the Halal Development Corporation (HDC), the halal market in Malaysia in 2025 is expected to reach a value of RM 614.36 Billion.
And as much as 70% of the market value is contributed by the food sector.
In Malaysia, there is no body that is qualified to issue halal recognition other than JAKIM. JAIN (Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri) and MAIN (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri) act as managing and processing JAKIM’s Halal certification application.
Throughout the process of applying for a new or renewed halal certificate, the applicant will go through these 4 phases which usually take between 3 ~ 6 months.
Applicants must understand the conditions and guidelines that have been set and prepare the premises & documentation. All applications must be made via the MyE-Halal system.
Officer will check and confirm all the details submitted. Chargers letter will be issued to applicant upon completion o review.
Officers will come to the applicant's premises to check that the applicant has complied with all the Halal standards and requirements.
The approval committee will meet to approve/reject the application based on the observations made during the audit visit at the applicant's premise.
70-80% of a company’s value is derived from the brand itself. All consumers, distributors, partners, investors value the trademark protection of the brand, and hence will allow the business to be continuously successful in long run.
More than 75% of the companies have experienced brand infringement over the past years. Without filing a trademark for your brand, you are risking yourself from getting sued by other registered proprietor for trademark infringement and being force to rebrand your brand which would eventually costing you a lot of energy, money and time.
Obtaining Halal certification can be challenging especially for those who want to do the application all by themselves. You are at high risk of having your application rejected. The time and money invested has a high potential to be wasted if not according to the strict standards outlined by JAKIM.
Flexly Consulting has helped more than 50 small & large clients to obtain JAKIM’s Halal certification and maintain their Halal status. We focus on helping customers to obtain Halal certification within your budget and with a 100% certification guarantee.